Visiting Our School

Visitor Management for Student Safety and Security

Visitor Check-in and Check-out Procedures

We welcome visitors and volunteers at Cunningham Park Elementary!  Thank you for helping to keep our students safe by following the procedures below:

  • Entry Door: Visitor control is monitored through an electronic door access system.  Press the button next to the main entrance door.  Our office staff will answer and ask the nature of your visit/who you are here to see, as well as ask you to present your driver's license.
  • Main Office Sign-In: Proceed to the main office.  You will be asked to sign in using our automated visitor management system with a driver's license.  The system prints an ID badge that must be displayed on visitor clothing at all times.  Only authorized visitors will be allowed in the building.
  • Check-Out: Before leaving the school, visitors must check-out in the main office and leave by the main entrance.

School Safety Precautions:

The following procedures have been implemented to keep students safe.

  • Faculty and staff will always have their FCPS photo-identification badges displayed.
  • Exterior doors are locked from the outside during the instructional day.
  • Former students and friends of students, etc. are not allowed to visit during school hours.
  • Doors are not to be held open for other visitors.
  • Parents will be asked to show a government issued ID confirming their identity before releasing their child to them for a early dismissal.
  • Kindergarten walkers are not to be released to a sibling/relative that is in grades 6 or younger.

Safety Drills:

Throughout the school year, all Fairfax County Public Schools are required to conduct the following safety drills for student and staff understanding and fluency in applying these procedures in the most efficient and effective manner possible, in order to ensure safety and security for all.

  • Fire Drills- TWO drills during the first 20 days of the school session.Then once a month for the rest of the school year.
  • Lockdown Drills- one in September and one in January
  • Tornado Drills- one in March
  • Bus Emergency Drills- one at the beginning of the school year and one at the beginning of the second semester (February)

Our teachers prepare and practice with our students to make these drills and experiences as orderly and effective as possible. They will be teaching the foundational understanding that these practices are precautionary to keep us all safe if a dangerous situation presented itself.

Learn more about FCPS’ Emergency and Crisis Response plans here.

For information please contact:

Elizabeth Copeland

Administrative Assistant II   

Nicole Madariaga

Student Information Assistant I